5 Crucial Steps to Get the Most From Your Digital Signage

Digital signs are popping up everywhere, and they come with a whole host of benefits. Customizable and interactive, they provide an ideal way to connect with customers and grow your business, but there are some steps you need to take if you're to yield the most advantageous results.

1. Start with Clear Goals

Creating a goal for your digital signage campaign might sound like an obvious first step, but it's one that many business owners neglect completely. Your signage shouldn't just be something you invest in because it's a necessary part of marketing—you need to know exactly what you want the result to be. That might mean an increase in sales of a certain item, more repeat visitors, more email signups, or something else entirely. Creating a single strong goal should always be thought of as the indispensable first step.

2. Determine Metrics, Then Track Them

Now that you have a goal in mind, make sure you can measure your ability to achieve it over the next few months. Determine a metric that will track your success, then ensure that you keep an eye on what is happening. This is easy when it comes to revenue, but there are plenty of ways to track different kinds of success, and doing so can help you tweak your business in order to optimise returns.

3. Go Beyond Foot Traffic

When you choose a location for your signage, don't make the mistake of thinking solely about foot traffic; it might show that people will regularly pass by, but they might not be in the ideal state of mind to engage with your signage. Instead, focus on areas where people traditionally have to stand and wait, or place your sign near items that are relevant to its content.

4. Create Engaging Content

In the digital marketing world, content is king, and nothing changes when it comes to signage. Business owners commonly fail to recognise the enormous persuasive power of well-written content, so consider hiring a freelance writer or digital marketing firm to ensure that your content truly attracts and captures the attention.

5. Use Rotating Sales and Offers

Digital signage is so advantageous because it can be customized, so make the most of that benefit by regularly changing your offers and content. This prevents the message from becoming stale and helps to engage new customers. You can also make changes to fit certain days of the week and times of the year.

If you're investing in digital signage, it makes sense to get the most out of that investment. Follow the crucial steps listed above to ensure that you receive just that.
